Thursday, August 13, 2015


That's right! 

If you haven't already known, Windows 10 has been out for a little while now. 
It is available for download as an upgrade from your existing Windows Operating System except for Windows XP which Windows ended their support April of last year. 
Well, if you have a genuine copy of Windows, then you may reserve now and download Windows when it's your queue.

Just note that you only have a year from the date of release to reserve for Windows 10, once that expires, then you will have to buy a new copy from your favorite retailer just like everybody else. 

There are two copies of Windows 10, that is Windows 10 Home and Windows 10 Pro. Depending on the current version of your OS, you'll get either home or pro. For example, if you have Windows 7 Ultimate, then you get Windows 10 Pro or the other way around if you have Windows 7 Home premium then you'll have the Home version of Windows 10. You got the point. 

So what are you waiting for?! 

Reserve now!!!

For more instructions on reservation, follow the link below:

windows 10 reservation