Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hidden user accounts in Windows 7... (tweak)

Here's a little tweak about enabling a hidden user accounts in Windows 7. There are links that I will be posting leading you to download the tweaks that I will be sharing with you this second. These links are concerned in turning it ON or OFF.
This tweak actually adds up this neat little Advanced User Accounts in your control panel (User Accounts) so you can manipulate whatever advanced settings or options you want, like changing the password or creating a password and others.
Without further ado, I will now post you the links for you to download (care of pcwizkid):

http://pcwizkidstechtalk.com/downloads/AddAdvAccounOption.zip (This link is to add the tweak or ON. This automatically installs it to your registry hassle free)

http://pcwizkidstechtalk.com/downloads/RemoveAdvAccountOption.zip (This link on the other hand removes the tweak or OFF.)

How to use:
  • After you have downloaded the file, just unzip it using your favorite utility (winrar, winzip, and etc.)
  • Once you've unzipped it, just double click on the file and press Yes then OK.